Two good reasons for creating a life plan

You are probably familiar with the saying: “He who fails to plan, plans to fail.” I sure am. It is amazing how many projects are started without a clear plan of what exactly will be done, when it will be done, how it will done and why it will be dolife-planne.  There you have it, the three W’s: what, when, why and how. The most important project you will ever work on is your life. And just with any other project, you must answer those questions, and any other relevant questions, if you are to make it a successful project.

When I conduct the Strategic Life Planning Seminar, I take participants through a session during which they identify basic answers to those questions. I have a life plan for myself and here are three benefits I have experienced:

  • Clarity in Vision: A life plan provides you with a big picture. Where will you be 10, 20, 50 years from today? It gives hope and generate enthusiasm to know what the big picture is for your life, especially when your current circumstances are not enviable.
  • Increased Productivity: A life plan helps you determine what the best use of your time is, in alignment with your long term objectives.

If you don’t have a life plan already, head on to and download his manual: That is an excellent resource to get your started. What are your thoughts and what is your experience with life planning?

This post is day 6 of One hundred words every day for 10 days. Total: 249 words.