I failed at fasting for 7 days, but…

the experience was immensely rewarding. When a few weeks ago my sister told me she was in the process of…

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Celebrate Your Milestones! 100 Original Publications

This is the 100th post on this website. When I reached 50 posts, I had this little celebration. When I…

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Writing Challenge: 100 words every day for 21 days

If you are to become good (or better) at something, anything, you must continuously work on yourself. Practice, practice, practice.…

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One hundred words every day for 10 days: lessons learned.

To become good at anything, there is no substitute for regular practice in a spirit of discipline and apprenticeship. 10…

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Celebrating 50 Original Posts!!!

HOORAY – used to express joy, approval, or encouragement. I just looked at my WordPress dashboard and the count of…

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