An Idea is Born: Speak to Win Business Conference 2015

During one of my presentations at the Orange County Speakers Bureau a few months ago, I shared ideas about how to grow speaking businesses for people who are interested in professional speaking. The slides I used are available here:

One of my recommendations is to host one’s own events. I had been entertaining a few ideas for the past few weeks, but I was inspired to settle on one last week. The event I will host is the “Speak to Win Business Conference“.


To provide business professionals and entrepreneurs with effective communication tools, techniques and strategies they can use to grow their businesses.

Trail Blazers Unlimited. (My US based company.)

June 6, 2015

Anaheim, California.

That’s all the information I have for now. I will assemble a team and continue making progress on the realization of this idea. This is exciting, and hopefully you will be part of this maiden edition.