Professional Speaker Startup Toolkit

Over the past two years I have ready almost every book on public speaking I could lay my hands on, and I have library cards of 3 different cities in Orange County. Some of them like “World Class Speaking: The Ultimate Guide to Presenting, Marketing and Profiting Like a Champion” by Craig Valentine and Mitch Meyerson  or  “The Message of You” by Judy Carter are keepers. gumroad-cover

I very frequently come across people who have incredible stories, good speaking skills, all the credentials one could desire, and yet, they are not leveraging all that to generate an additional stream of income as Professional Speakers. If you don’t care about generating an additional income stream because you don’t need it, do it and donate all the proceeds to your favorite charity.

What is a Professional Speaker?

Allan Weiss in his book “Money Talks: How to Make a Million As A Speaker” defines a professional speaker as someone who makes his or her livelihood from presentations made in front of live audiences. That definition has evolved to include those who make get compensated to create value for live audiences through sharing of their knowledge, experiences, stories and messages.

If you have already been paid at least once for a speaking opportunity, you could technically consider yourself as a professional speaker. However, if you don’t seek and get more paid speaking opportunities, you will be classified as a used-to-be professional speaker. You get it! It is about staying in the game, and relevant!

What is this Professional Speaker Startup Toolkit?

If you want to generate some income through public speaking opportunities, I created a simple toolkit to help you get started. This toolkit  is designed for those who:

  • Have overcome their fear of speaking in public
  • Have valuable life experiences or knowledge they enjoy sharing with audiences
  • Need help getting started in the professional speaking industry

Who is the Professional Speaker Startup Toolkit For?

If there are three levels in the professional speaking industry, (1 = Starter, 2 = Pro, 3 = Veteran), this manual will best serve those on level 1. Its aim is to provide you with a step by step process for packaging yourself and your message.

It will serve those who have a desire to monetize their speaking opportunities, but might not have the credentials or sales experience to earn themselves a piece of the speaking industry pie. This guide was kept short to keep it simple and non-intimidating. It is my experience that big manuals seldom get opened in this age of ADD, ADHD, and overbearing noise.

What Does the Tookit Contain?

The toolkit contains a series of explained steps with action exercises. You can complete all the exercises within an hour or two. That is a small investment of your time considering the potential rewards. Repeat the process periodically or when you want to market to new niches.

You can get a copy of the toolkit for only $5 on Here is the link:

Professional Speaker Startup Kit

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