Two years ago, in January 2013 when I attended my very first Founder’s District LACE training event, I was impressed with how much knowledge and experience the presenters had. Without any reason (a that time) to do so, I saw myself as one of the presenters. I felt it would be a great privilege and honor to be given such responsibility. I did not embrace the thought, but did not reject it either. That thought was echoed by my friend Nadine Nofziger. Nadine had already had the privilege to share her knowledge and experience as a presenter at a LACE training event.

As a member of Toastmasters International, once every 6 months all club officers are required to complete “Officers Training.” To create a more dynamic and valuable experience for its members, most districts also feature special workshops during their events. The featured workshops are on topics like “Speaking without Notes”, “Job Search”, “Effective Networking”, “Club Marketing and Promotion Strategies.”
Yesterday (two years later) I got to share my knowledge and experience as a presenter at a LACE event. I can now check this off my bucket list, and continue seeking bigger stages. The workshop I lead on January 10, 2015 (and will lead again on January 24) was titled: “Social Media Simplified for Speakers & Clubs.”
I have to thank my professional speaker colleague Victor Broski for recommending me to the event co-chair Deborah S. Reisdorph. Thank you Victor! Deborah, as one of the event planners, thank you too for trusting me with your audience.
Lesson: If
Life is an exciting adventure, and I am loving it!
For more information about LACE, visit this page: