Last year was a great year, and I had a lot of speaking opportunities. It was my objective to give at least 4 prepared presentations every month, and I reached my goal by the end of the year. My goal was not reached based on frequency, but on total number of speeches.
Even though I got a few paid speaking opportunities last year, my focus this year is on milking the cow like my mentor Jack Nichols says. I have been working on developing original and quality content, and I have a few books I will release this year in print.
There is one saying that goes similar to “It does not count if it is not captured and recorded in some fashion.” Considering that, this page is where I record my speaking opportunities for this year, 2014.
- January 04, 2014: Speech at OC Toasters. Title: A New Beginning. Video:
- January 11, 2014: Video Interview at All Nations Club. Title: Interview with the President. Video:
- January 20, 2014: Presentation at California University of Management and Sciences. Invited by Prof. William Wimberly. Title: Job Search in the Social Media Age. Video:
- January 22, 2014: Speech at DuoCampus in Irvine with Title: How to Write a Speech. Video:
- January 25, 2014: Speech at All Nations Club. Title: Using Body Language for Impactful Presentations.
- January 27, 2014: Speech at OC Toasters. Title: Interview for Upcoming Book Release. Video:
- February 03, 2014: Speech OC Toasters. Title: From Heaven to Hell, and Back! Video:
- February 05, 2014: Speech at Surf City Speak ‘N’ Lead. Title: Wait until the door opens. Video:
- February 10, 2014: Video training speech at OC Toasters. Title: The 3 P’s of Public Speaking. Video:
- February 11, 2014: Speech at Temple City High School. Title: Leadership in High School and Beyond. Video:
- February 12, 2014: Speech at OC Speakers Bureau. Title: Personal Branding 101. It was a recorded webinar.
- February 27, 2014: Speech at California University of Management and Sciences. Title: Keys to Likability. Video:
- March 15, 2014: Speech at All Nations Club. Title: Help Someone Up! Video:
- March 17, 2014: Speech at OC Toasters. Title: Help Your Book Come Out! Video:
- April 5, 2014: Speech at All Nations. Title: Meeting Roles and Responsibilities. Video:
- April 7, 2014: Speech at OC Toasters. Title: Public Speaking Preparation and Practice. Video:
- April 9, 2014: Speech at OC Speakers Bureau. Title: 3 Essential Ingredients. Video: _______
- June 7, 2014: Speech at All Nations Club. Title: Criticize with Praise. Video: _______
- June 9, 2014: Speech at OC Toasters. Title: Shut Up! How to silence your greatest opposition. Video: _______
- June 17, 2014: Speech at Torres Martinez Tribal TANF. Topic: Strategic Life Planning. Video: _______
I will keep updating this list as the months go by throughout the year. That will help me track my progress and serve me in showcasing my work on stage.